Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091212

Ah, the weekend. Relax and enjoy some time with your family, and Excel. You might have time to play some games, but if you have homework, don’t leave it till Sunday night – do it now! (I’m sure that I did all my homework on Saturday, way back when I was in school.)

Kid Unfriendly

  • My child is playing around with an Excel spreadsheet. I’ve corrupted her already.
  • The wife and I put an Excel spreadsheet together yesterday to manage my various plugin projects. Man, I should have done this earlier.
  • My mom now knows how to make her own excel spreadsheet. That was a challenge but to see her change columns is rewarding.
  • Just created an excel spreadsheet for our DVDs categorized by "Kid Unfriendly" "Kids" "TV Series" and "Holiday." Does that make me anal?
  • Husband put our entire life into excel. Hate the constraints of all those little lines and boxes! Sometimes a girl needs circles!

Playing Games

  • really hate staying up all night working on excel project unable to play my games on facebook except for a few
  • What can I do for the next 2 hours that looks like work but isn’t? Sudoku kind of looks like Excel… hmm… worth a shot.
  • It’s crazy how seriously I’m taking iFarm. Excel and ROI calculations are involved. I will have a windmill before EOW.

Finish Your Homework

  • has not yet started his stupid AEM 145 Excel Assignment yet because… 1. i don’t get it and 2. i don’t really wanna get it.
  • I know I have to use it but I don’t like using Excel for accounting homework. I can make it look better when I do it by hand.
  • excel ate my homework
  • Poor person who borrowed my computer, the scratch paper on my desk shows me you did all of the math by hand for your Excel assignment!


P.S. For your Excel entertainment needs, Andy Pope has an Excel Sudoku file that you can download, and there’s a DVD Collection Database template on my website.


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