Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091217

Time for some fun and games with Excel! It’s too bad that everyone doesn’t share our Excellent sense of humour.


  • An hour and a half of fun with Excel to correct a simple sort mistake. Good learning experience, though.
  • I have a tendency to make Excel charts for things that do not need Excel charts. It is fun!

And Games

  • Haha. We’ve banned so many game sites that kids now email each other Excel files with the flash/shockwave games embedded in them.
  • It’s official people, i’m going to program an epic game entirely in microsoft excel. Why? Because I’ll be famous of course
  • Should I be concerned that my boyfriend has made an elaborate Excel spreadsheet about Farmville crops?
  • trying to code a tictactoe solver in excel… apparently the game is still too complicated
  • Why doesn’t Microsoft sponsor people who use their product? I’m pretty sure I could place in an excel X-games

And Excel Humour

  • I love my finance friends. They know what it is to Excel. Get it? First finance joke I’ve made!
  • I had a list, hello, the daily Excel file. There were just too many Davids. =))
  • Man I love Microsoft excel, nothing better than Microsoft excelling till 6 o’clock everyday, and excelling at it………… it’s excellent
  • I wonder if Microsoft has a cafe (not cafeteria) or bistro called Pivot Table. Wouldn’t surprise me #msgeekery


P.S. Don’t let a simple sort mistake ruin your day! Follow the guidelines for sorting data in Excel.


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