Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100113

I thought people stayed home on snow days, but apparently in some places just the schools shut down, and people take their kids to the office.

Dating Tips

  • I am dating excel spreadsheets this week. They are fun. Precise. Accurate. And most importantly, quiet. Cheers!
  • I’ve created an Excel spreadsheet to document all the lovers I’ve had in my life. I’d like you to be cell A2. IT consultant (M, 34).

Make Macros

  • When life hands you Excel, make macros.
  • The biggest enemy of IT specialists is MS Excel. Why? Because every advanced user of it it thinks he can develop programs.
  • I want to read: Excel 2007 VBA Programming For Dummies by John Walkenbach – http://bit.ly/5qXPFR
  • About to start some actual proper Excel dev work, first time in about a year! Good times!

Back at Work

  • School snow day = coworkers bring kids to work day!! Love having little ones at my desk. They seem to enjoy Excel so much more than I do…
  • BTW, the Excel crisis was averted late today @ work by someone smarter than me…yup, I finally found one! 😉
  • I slept in, but to be honest, I wish I was back at work. Even if it meant to my half cube next to a grammar correcting Excel rookie.
  • Recovering from a serious skirmish between me, an actuary, a product analyst and an Excel spreadsheet.

Side of the Brain

  • If you’re wondering whether you favor the left/right side of your brain, try using Excel, then Photoshop. The answer will manifest itself.


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