Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100702

If you use Excel to create your knitting patterns, you might wish that Excel used Perl instead of VBA. And I don’t know about you, but I figure that kid is up to no good! Who voluntarily extends their school day?

  • The Excel spreadsheet I need to print for a meeting in 10 minutes time is 134 pages … Ah.
  • I built my running spreadsheet to calculate how many beers I can have that night 😉 #runforbeernotlife
  • today will hopefully be a day of challenges like computer stuff. or intricate excel solutions. I love those.
  • *stunned* The kid just called and voluntarily extended his school day. On top of that, he signed himself up to take an Excel class. 🙂
  • Just had a crazy idea: a type chart that displays how effective an attack will be against all 493 Pokemon. If you need me, I’ll be in Excel.
  • I ONLY HAVE 24 HOURS TO SAVE THE WORLD!… actually i only have 24 hours to finish a spreadsheet and a powerpoint but same thing
  • Quite possibly may deserve a medal for over the phone talking my Dad through logging into his email, opening a spreadsheet & printing it.
  • I love excel, colored charts, and fun fonts almost as much as I love office supplies. I’m a total work nerd…lol
  • oh, i finished my spreadsheet . It’s a thing of beauty (as long as the profit line is accurate)…Best just double check it…again…
  • Have spent the last couple of hours doing inventory on my yarn stash. Am now going to put all the details into a spreadsheet.
  • wooo #brewers on the radio and i just dominated an excel problem…today is looking up. #nerd & #baseball
  • There has to be a way for me to skip all the excel + chart work here at the office. I.hate.numbers.
  • oh dear god…my colleague has no idea how to use Excel told him to split the sheet..he’s like whaat? omg what did u do..now i have 2tables
  • If only Excel used Perl as its scripting language…
  • u know u’ve been working 4 too long when u find making an excel spreadsheet easier than writing on paper #WhateverHappened2MyLife #Work
  • Never copy and paste a love song youtube video instead an excel sheet into an email for work…oops…
  • Pressing <ctrl>+Z in Excel 2010 causes application freeze. Not a good spreadsheet day.
  • See I love using Excel. I’m all about the data, and excel helps because I hate the math associated with it.


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