Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101109

image You’ve probably had some less than ideal jobs, but were you ever locked in a closet to work on Excel? Now that’s an exercise in torture!

  • Such a serious work environment. I walked by every laptop in there and saw nothing but emails and excel sheets.
  • Have got a full on spreadsheet going for Xmas presents and budget. It will all go out of the window by the time I come to buy any of it
  • there are eight reasons on #WrongDiagnosis.com for numb buttocks. all you need to do is close #Excel and get up for crying out Pete’s sake!
  • Do people actually use Excel to make charts & graphs? It’s like an exercise in torture.
  • Stupid box & whisker plots, why don’t want use hand draw so much faster & easier, excel so chimalogy …
  • I think I love Excel too much. Have spent morning creating formulae to do things it would be quicker to do manually, but less fun.
  • I love Excel functions. No need to look through 10 numbers for a max or min. Can I look through 10 numbers? Yes. But I don’t have to.
  • boredom resulted in finding the bottom right corner of the excel spreadsheet… cell XFD1048576 this is what uni assignments lead to…
  • yikes, I once had a dream that I lived in an Excel spreadsheet. Thanks for reminding me! #nightmare
  • Just discovered an excel function which can randomly pick my countries for me. My life is literally complete. I love you excel. I am a geek.
  • I love how every time i explain my microsoft excel problem to someone, they shut up and are just as confused as me.
  • Ah Excel, my one true love…
  • i don’t get to do fun things. they just lock me in a closet to work on excel all day :\
  • Seems like my version of Excel has become self aware…
  • The guy sitting in front of me at the coffeeshop is really good at making Excel charts and is listening to James Brown’s "The Boss."
  • I password protected my Christmas spreadsheet last year & now can’t remember what the damn thing is! Anyone know how to hack Excel?
  • Currently melting my head with MS Excel formulas, they better work now.
  • Task based UI is what differentiates a decent application from a spreadsheet (amongst other factors)


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