Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130531

imageAre you a magician with Excel, or does it depend on the question?

  • Weird that almost every online publication uses excel graphs. They’re so ugly.
  • When you finally learn how to work on MS Excel, you know you’ve done atleast one thing right in your life.
  • One can never have enough Pivot Tables! #microsoft #excel #statistics #data #analysis
  • "The most risk I am looking to take in life is running a macro in Excel"- my boss
  • If excel was a person, I’d have no problem strangling him/her right now
  • I may have been a bit ambitious with PowerPivot – now silently pleading with it not to crash…
  • My boss, Mike, needs to stop lying to me. None of your "excel tricks" are fun or exciting #liar
  • If you can work excel you’re basically a magician in my eyes.
  • Not only are Excel charts ugly, but they often treat you like you don’t understand your own data.
  • Excel uses a floppy disk as the icon for "SAVE FILE". Does anyone need more clues to what the problem is with MS products?
  • You know that thing where you log in to work at night cos you’ve had ideas about that niggling pivot table problem? No? Lucky bastard.
  • Damn you Excel, why you not understand my pseudo-code? If this is true, then sort the data like that!
  • I wonder if the rectangular denizens of an Excel worksheet have any idea how trivial it is to duplicate or destroy their plane of existence?
  • Hacking like a boss. Not literally of course. It’s not an Excel hack.
  • There’s no computer where I’m working right now so I’m fixing some #VB code for #Excel on paper. Having a blast though.
  • Excel functions are like making code without the actual feel of programming. It’s frustratingly picky about what it lets me do.
  • Boss: "Are you good with Excel?" Me: "Depends on the question.."
  • EMERGENCY: Does anyone know how to work with macros in excel? I don’t have time wo watch 50 more tutorials. Please help!!


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