Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20131108

imageIf it’s your first day back at work, and you’ve spent 10 hours making a pie chart, don’t throw your computer out the window. A good night’s sleep might solve the problem.

  • I successfully made a line, bar, and pie graph on Excel this morning. I shouldn’t have to do anymore work today. #success
  • "Microsoft Excel is trying to recover your information…" And I’m trying to not throw you out the window, work computer
  • How much of a nerd am I if I just realized now that I think Excel work, table making and chart making, is actually relaxing?? #GodThatsSad
  • "Nobody gets my references." – Excel sheet that’s been pasted into a new workbook
  • I just taught myself to code in excel out of boredom…
  • Got an excel spreadsheet from boss before reaching car so this is going to be a great vacation.
  • Spent half the night trying to figure out how to graph my data in Excel. Woke up this morning and figured it out in 2 mins. ??
  • Just solved an Excel macro code bug for a coworker. Yeah, I’m that tool in the office.
  • Finally after about 10 hours of struggling with Microsoft Excel I have myself a pie chart for my assignment wooooo
  • Silly professor I’m going to be a princess they dont need to learn to graph on excel… so can I leave???
  • Then again, sometimes you spend 4 hours trying to do something with a pivot table that doesn’t work.
  • When people are talking, its because they’re friends, not because they are telling each other how to make a graph on Excel
  • It may look like I’m online shopping at the library, but I’m really doing a footwear price comparison spreadsheet on Excel for my boss.
  • Geek alert: I just successfully developed a difficult multi-worksheet excel formula. AND my spreadsheet is also beautiful.
  • Am I the only one who took 2 hours to schedule my classes and used 6 charts and 2 excel sheets? #probably #perfectionist #freak
  • what sort of idiot sends a screenshot of an excel workbook asking you to use the data to perform an analysis…
  • First day back at work after a week off, I’ve forgotten my network password and am in a losing battle with excel #goingwell #needcoffee
  • no matter how much i smash this computer on the floor, i still can’t get my excel formulas to work #excel



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