Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20161118

Every day with Excel is awesome, until you discover that your lunch is mouldy. Or if Excel catches fire, when you’re up to your neck in pivot tables.

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Lost a mornings work with Excel crashing and then found my sandwich was mouldy #Awesome
  • That incredible day at work when Excel blows your mind!
  • I’m think I’m going to start breaking the fourth wall at work like children’s TV does. “Do you know the proper excel function here? Bueno!”
  • I learned to use pivot tables in excel today, so I’m practically a wizard now.
  • This is really frigging annoying. I move like lightning in Excel, and I’m waiting for the damn cursor to do its stupid animation & catch up.
  • I do all my work in excel using csv sheets like any civilized person
  • Played “Actuarial Trivia” at work today, so of course somebody built an Excel model for the whole thing
  • If all you know is Excel every problem looks like something you can send around by email and everyone can fill in their data and THEN…
  • I built a pivot table, and I understood what I was doing, so my day is pretty much a win no matter what happens.
  • Me; Jeepers I am concerned about current events! Work PC; Let me distract you from you worries. (( sets Excel ablaze ))
  • I see your problem. Your not using Excel.
  • Everyone in work thinks i’m some sort of Excel genius but really i’m clueless and don’t have the heart to tell anyone #GoogleHelpMe
  • When you have to watch a coworker work in Excel without knowing any shortcuts and each successive click is like a tiny stab in the heart
  • if you hear a distant sobbing, it’s just me. Excel crashed while i was waist-deep in unsaved pivot tables. pls send will to live
  • Almost every work-related issue, tracking issue, or communication issue at my office is due to someone not understanding how to use Excel

I move like lightning in Excel http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.


















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This Week’s Tweets By

Iain, Pastor Of Muppets, Steven Sundbeck, Mallory, Martin Pinnau, $1 50/50 seller, Greg Johnson, Tomalak, Matt, #NotMyPresident, Blake Latson, JKL, Abby, rai, k @ spooky pumpkin



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