Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170714

What’s in your Google Search history? Excel questions? Pivot table problems? Benedict Cumberbatch formulas? Just remember to save your work, and never press the F1 key. You’ve been warned.

You had me until pivot table http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • My search history at work is just me googling how to do all the excel stuff I lied about knowing
  • You had me until pivot table.
  • People that work on an excel sheet and paste in a mail as a picture are the real demons to be honest…
  • I just hit “Don’t Save” after doing 3 hrs of work in Excel and MS Office didn’t recover it. How’s your day going?
  • Like I didn’t come to work to get attacked but clearly Excel has a vendetta against me
  • Accidently hit F1 in Excel and am reminded how stupid Microsoft software gets sometimes.
  • Strange thought at work: I wonder what Benedict Cumberbatch’s favourite Excel feature/function is.
  • You think you know Microsoft office until you gotta work with excel
  • Any Excel workbook with at least two sheets titled 2016, 2017 etc or Jan, Feb, Mar etc is a “data cube”
  • I need an app that makes all of my social media sites look like excel worksheets so I can participate in modern culture while at work
  • Ha! “Any sufficiently complicated Excel can be called AI” according to vendors. Love that.
  • Finally learned how to make a pivot table. My excel proficiency is officially #intermediate
  • Excel sometimes feels like problem solving where you have to fit the pieces just right, twist it this way and that and then find the answer
  • Excel may crash in the following scenarios:You type values into a cell in the workbook.

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.
















You had me until pivot table http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

brigid, Joffrey Francais, Ye!, Isaac, April Gremillion, Pingüino Peligroso, fErin, 4Lit, Nathanael Coyne, Blair Britt, Adam Hecht, julia, Topher Doll, Rick Grider ✊, ralish




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