Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170901

If Excel seems boring, dream about dragons while doing your work. Or, have a few Margaritas. And when you get to workbook 68, ask for a raise. You might get $10!


This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • if you can’t work with wrenches, you wouldn’t get a job as a mechanic. Same should go for excel and office jobs.
  • I would have to get paid a LOT of money to work in Excel every day.
  • I feel so accomplished when I make a good pivot table in Excel
  • i think my work desktop is excited for the long weekend bc excel keeps on crashing
  • How someone can work in the vendor world and now know how to do an excel vlookup is beyond me!! I’m tired of explaining it.
  • It’s been 10 mins of my professor clicking on a screenshot of excel within a slideshow trying to figure out why the excel sheet won’t work
  • Learning excel well was the best thing I ever did
  • Trying to work with Microsoft Excel today makes me wanna consume so many margaritas
  • Hello Excel my old friend it’s time to chart with you, again
  • 10/10 would recommend for work listening. Excel productivity increases when I’m dreaming about dragons
  • Attempting to work but ending up like this. That Excel sheet
  • It’s a little known fact*, the source code in the Matrix is actually Excel. Because the world runs on Excel.*not an actual fact
  • You know it’s been a busy day when you open a new worksheet in Excel and it says “Workbook 68.”
  • I’m playing with numbers and doing pivot tables on Microsoft Excel. For fun. This is a whole new level of boredom.
  • If I had a dollar for every time I solved a problem in Excel with a VLOOKUP I’d … have about ten dollars. #Excel

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















The World Runs on Excel http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Matthew Towne, The False God Ba’al, Jackson, lee , Risa, lindsey, jawz, Kristen Gardner, Jaye Horbay, kelly, Heba Abul, Anže Vodovnik, Kaitlyn Walker, B, Mark Greenaway



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