Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170915

Do you laugh when your co-workers crash Excel? Or are you too busy, admiring your Excel works of art? Anyway, just to be safe, I’d recommend that you don’t brag about your Excel skills. Or your witchcraft skills.

My Excel file is a work of art http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • We can put a man on the moon, but we can’t make Excel work out that a date minus a date isn’t a date.
  • Me: [bragging at neighbourhood party] I excel at work Her: He means he does spreadsheets Me: COULDN’T LET ME HAVE ONE PUN
  • I’m color coding data in Excel. Because sometimes I’m the problem, not the solution.
  • This is my “please hire me I promise I’m cool at parties and I love excel spreadsheets” face
  • I have a complex Excel problem to work out. I’m hoping a solution will pop into my head during spin or in the shower.
  • Currently being traumatised by the words “Excel”, “IF”, “SUMIF” and “VLOOKUP”. And also by an ancient laptop that keeps crashing #FML
  • Tonight: my actuary husband teaching me how to do pivot tables in Excel, with Star Trek in the background… #whosaysaccountantsareboring
  • Don’t ever let anyone know you’re good at excel. So many stupid spreadsheets
  • A podcast this morning was about AI taking all our jobs. At work the shared drives and Excel are down so seems like a long way to go!
  • Would it really be a day at work unless someone passed around a new shared excel doc that’s somehow going to solve every problem ever
  • My excel files are starting to look like the works of Piet Mondrian. It’s literally a Work of Art. #pun
  • Coworker: “I heard you in the audience, you have a very distinctive laugh” Me: “That’s cause you hear me at work when you crash Excel”
  • me: *participates in one excel basics workshop* me: *creates one pivot table* me: i can. do. Anything
  • Excel doesn’t work… Time for witchcraft

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















My Excel file is a work of art http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Simon, Morris McDutchfield, Sadie Jane Ryan, Katie Diekhaus , Anthony Finucane, Michelle, StewPot, Sian Redwood, dukeofunicorns, Rob Ray, Tim Swenarton, Ferdous Pirzada, Etaru, trollison, Rustle my Jummies



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