Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20171117

Do you get joy from those moments when everything works perfectly in Excel? And do you excel at Excel, or is technology just not on your side today? Finally, if you’re up against a pivot table, just whisper, “Don’t fight it!” (That’s what Jack Bauer would do.)

Fought a pivot table, and lost! #Excel http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • You can never check your excel worksheet enough times.
  • You’re not Type A until you’re “uses an excel pivot table to make a thanksgiving grocery list” Type A
  • Today I fought a pivot table. In other news, today I lost a fight to a pivot table.
  • My boss asked our group text who was good at excel and I said “I excel….at Excel” and I didn’t get picked
  • You KNOW it’s gettin serious when you have exchanged via email your excel worksheet schedules
  • I used to love excel then i started using it for work
  • My favorite thing about working in Excel is trying to do something I did yesterday, except today it doesn’t work!
  • being a vanilla as hell corporate adult means you kinda get sad when the “MS excel pivot tables” webinar gets cancelled
  • Me trying to do Excel: I can do it, I can do itMy brain while doing Excel: You’re stupid, this is stupid, what is a filter?
  • if a problem isnt solvable with an excel spreadsheet i dont wanna deal with it
  • You know that joy you get when all of the formatting and formulas work perfectly in an excel spreadsheet? No? Just me?
  • You know there’s a problem when your idea of fun is working on trending in a report in Excel on a Friday night.
  • Today technology is not on my side, stupid Excel!
  • my brain every time someone at work asks me to update a pivot chart on excel:
  • “A pivot table cannot overlap another pivot table.”Can’t? Or *won’t.*

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Fought a pivot table, and lost! #Excel http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Himanjal, Marles Barkley, Michelle Arbuckle, local boi, miranda , Pumpkins, Melanie Fortune, obj, MaryAnn Klick, Tysha Lukman, Katie, Wall St Jake, Katherine Burchell, my dearest, drummond, Justin Poroszok


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