Use these products, created by Debra at Contextures, to make your Excel tasks quicker and easier. Also, see the full list of Contextures Excel Products.

When you order 2 or more products at the same time, a discount is automatically applied to your order.

NOTE: These products are for Excel 2007 and later, Windows only

Pivot Power Free Add-In

The Pivot Power Free add-in saves you time and effort, when working with Excel pivot tables. Click a button to quickly format pivot table values, or create a list of pivot table — and many more features!

Pivot Power Free

Data Entry Pop-up

For quick and easy data entry, use pop-up lists in your Excel worksheets. The DVMSP kit (Data Validation Multi Select Premium) lets you choose your settings, then adds the pop-up to your workbook. This short video shows how the pop-up lists works, and see more details on the DVMSP page.

NOTE: Only the person who is building the workbook needs the kit — your co-workers don’t need to buy a copy.

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Excel UserForms Kit

Learn to build a UserForm that stores data on a hidden worksheet. Then, create a pivot table to show a summary of that hidden data. The 5 bonus files show other ways that you can work with UserForms.

Click below, to order the kit, or get more details on the Excel UserForms page.

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