Excel Twitter 20110407
Some people love Excel, and are applauded for their efforts. Others think Excel is a nightmare, and too cruel to use.
- Got bored at work, tried to make a game in Excel during dead time. You know what? Excel is not an effective platform for entertainment.
- In lecture bored, I learned about charts in Excel back in 2003..
- Excel spreadsheets look sexier at 85% zoom #excel
- Excel froze after 90 mins worth of work. It’s been 15 minutes. I was hoping it would unfreeze so I don’t lose my work. I didn’t save. #FML
- I love that for all the fancy things Excel can do, bolding a row can bring it to its knees. Why is that? #intheyear2000
- uh-oh… ppl at work are starting to think of me as an excel whiz. hope this won’t make me keep this financial mgmt responsibility. 🙁
- Gettin’ my spreadsheet on this AM. Advanced Budget Templates for Excel. It’s going to be rows of fun and columns of knowledge up in here.
- Figured out my excel spreadsheet problem….at 3am this morning. Fortunately I was at work and had the file in front of me. SOOO tired
- Today, i got a round of applause for my unhealthy love of Excel spreadsheets #oteam11
- Has finally broken free from his excel prison! Love stats but it was getting a bit too much #SuperGeek #DeathByAdmin
- Visual Basic in Excel is Awesome. A strange data problem was a piece of cake using VB and Macros. And it’s solved before breakfast. Sweet!
- Melancholy: The feeling when you realize that 1 tiny change in an excel sheet could have saved 10+ hours work. It’ll come in handy though.
- I bloody love making graphs on excel..more than life. Its so satisfying. #needtogetoutmore
- It’s pretty cruel to write anything in Excel, ouch.Problem is when someone sets it up,they rarely have to fill it in
- Arghh REPORTS!!! Eyeballs deep in #Excel… I hope this means I’m a little bit closer to getting the coveted ninja badge!
- #Excel can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare… Someone wake me up from this nightmare…
- Hotel room with Four Loko. Eat Pray Love on TV with James Franco. And Excel spreadsheets. I’m a catch!
- =IF(AND(groom="chad",bride="alise"),"LOVE! :-)","Not love 🙁 ") …Little excel humor for ya this mornin’. 10 DAYS!!!
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