Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100106

There’s always a mixture of love and hate for Excel in the daily tweets. Apparently Excel has a good thesaurus though. I guess the hater forgot to mention that.

And yes, I sometimes work out a formula on paper too, before writing it in Excel. Do you?

Pen and Paper

  • smile to myself anytime i figure out how some numbers should work out in excel by doing symbolic manipulation on paper. math school.
  • Excel worksheets can be very misleading! Nothing in theory ever is. So why do people believe that businesses can be conducted on paper?
  • God old pen and paper can really help when you’re wrestling with an Excel formula… good night all.

Loathing and Disdain

  • there is no end to my utter disgust, hatred, loathing, disdain, abhorrence, revulsion, or contempt for the abomination called "MS Excel"
  • I hate when people want me to help them with their Excel formulas but don’t want me to explain how to do them.
  • Balance: The number of traders who love Excel vs the number of developers who hate it because they must integrate it into other systems.
  • I hate doing big projects at work, i never should have told them i am a master at excel. FML

Make It Idiot Proof

  • Re-working another Excel workbook. I wish people that didn’t understand Excel wld leave it alone. Pretty comes later. Make it workable 1st.
  • These projected earnings don’t make any sense. Either this company is about to go bankrupt, or I clicked the wrong cell in Excel again.
  • People. If you don’t know how to freaking use excel, then STOP USING IT. All you are doing is making more work for me. I need a drink.
  • Making spreadsheets in excel = easy.Idiot-proofing them so that others can’t screw it up = hard


P.S. For help with Excel formulas, see Contextures Excel Tips and Tutorials


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