Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 10200202

Itโ€™s February now, and time to start planning your garden, or shopping for food โ€“ whichever you do better.

And my hero is that guy who knew most of Excel already. Thatโ€™s quite an accomplishment!

I Forgot

  • happy! i got my spreadsheet done. had to re-learn excel, but it looks very spiffy!
  • no problem, I love the keyboard shortcuts and USED to be an Excel guru of sorts but am out of practice these dys
  • I forgot that I knew most of Excel already. Spreadsheets are easy. I needed that refresher so now it’s time to go even harder on the grind.

Garden Time

  • Sorting out my seed box tonight and trying to make a sowing chart in excel. Technological help for horticultural organisation! yay! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Love the idea of putting nonsense on a CV. "Proficient in word & excel, stopped licking strangers faces in 2002, keen gardener…"
  • For you Excel addicts, Rosalind Creasy offers a free garden spreadsheet to keep track of your harvests: http://urlbit.us/i05

Google or Excel?

  • Giving up on Google Docs today. Excel loves me better.
  • Google Doc’s to the rescue where MS excel’s compatibility update wont help me.
  • My spreadsheet skills are wretched. Excel and Google spreadsheets are my Achilles heel.

Shopping Lists

  • Lovely representation of matrix multiplication in an Excel spreadsheet: http://bit.ly/5UhITg [shopping list]
  • I’ve spent most of my day shopping online for bow ties and braces and working on an excel-centric lab report. Oh, I’m great fun.
  • Looking for a cool food shopping excel spreadsheet template (Geared towards clean eating)

Still In Love

  • Me: "I’m going to research types of dog." Hubby: "You don’t have to Excel spreadsheet the process."
  • Just helped my wife over the phone with an Excel problem…we’re still in love. #miracle


More Excel keyboard shortcuts on the Contextures website.


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