Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100501

It’s May Day! As in the first day of May celebration, not "Send help! My Excel worksheet has hit an iceberg!" But now that Excel has a Ribbon, it’s better suited to those maypole dances.

  • If I’m going to build an Excel spreadsheet, I’m going to use pretty pastel colours. So there.
  • Excel can’t open two different docs with the same name at once. "Hi! I’d like to join the Office dev team!" "Sorry, we already have a Matt."
  • Things that are not worth picking a fight with me about: the kind of coffee I’ve purchased or leaving a shared spreadsheet open. Srsly.
  • Never a good sign when Excel doesn’t ask you to save changes after a day’s worth of work.
  • Dear God..I wasnt born to math. Can you please make Excel and all its charts disappear? Thank you
  • Biggest accomplishment at work today? Drawing a robot in microsoft excel. And yes, I am a badass.
  • I probably shouldn’t get so excited over putting together Excel presentations.. but I sure do make some mean graphs. πŸ˜€
  • Say WHAT!?! Preview mode of my spreadsheet says there are 48070 pages. Uhm, I only have 18 rows at this point. Columns must be a mess…
  • Someone just called a spreadsheet I did "pretty" weird…because pretty is not a word I’d use to describe any of Microsoft’s output!
  • One redeeming factor Numbers has over Excel is that you can append a floating sticky note to a spreadsheet window in Numbers.
  • Oh good god. If the guy sitting behind me doesn’t shut up about his Excel spreadsheet FAIL I will actually kill him. With my bare hands.
  • I’ve got tea and I’ve got a Lion bar. Now I can tackle the spreadsheet from hell.
  • I find it odd that excel only lets me update 10 pivot tables before crashing.
  • Taking an Excel class at work. I made a Batman spreadsheet. For when he uses our meeting room.
  • sometimes i think chiseling my spreadsheet into a stone tablet would be faster than this computer that hates excel


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