Excel Twitter 20100501
It’s May Day! As in the first day of May celebration, not "Send help! My Excel worksheet has hit an iceberg!" But now that Excel has a Ribbon, it’s better suited to those maypole dances.
- If I’m going to build an Excel spreadsheet, I’m going to use pretty pastel colours. So there.
- Excel can’t open two different docs with the same name at once. "Hi! I’d like to join the Office dev team!" "Sorry, we already have a Matt."
- Things that are not worth picking a fight with me about: the kind of coffee I’ve purchased or leaving a shared spreadsheet open. Srsly.
- Never a good sign when Excel doesn’t ask you to save changes after a day’s worth of work.
- Dear God..I wasnt born to math. Can you please make Excel and all its charts disappear? Thank you
- Biggest accomplishment at work today? Drawing a robot in microsoft excel. And yes, I am a badass.
- I probably shouldn’t get so excited over putting together Excel presentations.. but I sure do make some mean graphs. π
- Say WHAT!?! Preview mode of my spreadsheet says there are 48070 pages. Uhm, I only have 18 rows at this point. Columns must be a mess…
- Someone just called a spreadsheet I did "pretty" weird…because pretty is not a word I’d use to describe any of Microsoft’s output!
- One redeeming factor Numbers has over Excel is that you can append a floating sticky note to a spreadsheet window in Numbers.
- Oh good god. If the guy sitting behind me doesn’t shut up about his Excel spreadsheet FAIL I will actually kill him. With my bare hands.
- I’ve got tea and I’ve got a Lion bar. Now I can tackle the spreadsheet from hell.
- I find it odd that excel only lets me update 10 pivot tables before crashing.
- Taking an Excel class at work. I made a Batman spreadsheet. For when he uses our meeting room.
- sometimes i think chiseling my spreadsheet into a stone tablet would be faster than this computer that hates excel
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