Excel Twitter 20100503
You need a sense of humour to use Excel, but I didn’t know there was a humour proficiency test. Hope I can pass!
- Finally home from work. No more excel spreadsheets, formulas or idiots for one whole week!!!!
- I’ve only just fixed his excel and he’s gone and done something to it again. Rubbish.
- I love the #boobquake article in the guardian, but ugh. I hate those horrible looking box plots. Excel is the comic sans of statistics
- Just spent 2 hours making an impressive looking yet totally unnecessary xl spreadsheet. Who knows what madness the rest of the night holds!
- Note to self, if you want to do future calculations on a spreadsheet, don’t keep saving it as a CSV. #fail
- I found my humor proficiency on Microsoft’s handy chart. Now I’m off to scatter-plot it in Excel. Quantifiably funny! http://bit.ly/9k7MnS
- if my personality was an excel spreadsheet, =countif(A1:IV65536,"class") would return 0.
- Argh, my numbers were wrong on my budget spreadsheet. Hate autosum, hate excel! π
- Why does "pivot table" suddenly sound rude?
- I have done something very, very bad to this Excel spreadsheet
- Not the best time to realize that MS Excel stores dates as the number of days after Jan 0, 1900
- I just taught my lady how 2 create pivot tables on Excel. Contrary 2 the common belief, & in my own geeky way, we r having a rocking evening
- Budget confusion + excel pivot charts + accident stats + US only website + urgent power point requirements + friday night ritual = FML
- Are you an excel know-it-all? Looking for excel articles & blog posts for Update magazine http://ht.ly/1FnWc and http://cmabcblog.com.
- One small tip: I started charting my weight in Excel. I was accountable and could see the results (good & bad)…
- I never thought I’d say this, but a spreadsheet is helping me to sleep at night.
- Correction on something I said earlier this week. Excel 2010 still just one active spreadsheet at a time. I must’ve been drunk.
- It feels weird to work in Excel, if you used Word for your entire life! But I like Excel better now, it’s more… regulated, I guess.
- Just presenting an Excel-based risk analysis is enough to explain/project/expose that a Corp. "needs" security? Not sure about that.
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