Excel Twitter 20100531
Hope you’re enjoying the long weekend, and some time away from those Excel spreadsheets!
- 4 hrs on excel. 7 pivot table attempts. 11 graph attempts. 2 Excel crashes. 0 successful spreadsheets. lost data & swearing = lots. #fail
- IS it odd that I have to keep a spreadsheet for all of my login/passwords? A program that SYNCS these will make millions in the first week!
- pivot tables are great. Excel thinks for you and makes ur info look far more intelligent than it actually is 🙂
- now knows what’s worse than creating a spreadsheet: cleaning up someone else’s.
- Banging out firewall policy and address objects to Saint John by The Cold War Kids. Head bobbing making spreadsheet reading troublesome.
- A day @ home away from excel sheets
- I’d rather stay home and make a neatly organized, sortable spreadsheet of all my different OCD behaviours than go to a wedding.
- Showed my parents my #bsc spreadsheet. You can tell they’re torn between being impressed with my organizational skills, and being horrified.
- Once again, I am Lord of the Spreadsheet! (Fade in Celtic dance music)
- Oh my, I’m married to an engineer. My whole life is an Excel spreadsheet! #gottaloveengineers
- u lost me at "spent three years creating an Excel spreadsheet.." http://bit.ly/9gjaGW
- my mom is in town and we’re redoing my bathroom. she made me do an excel spreadsheet of what is needed and prioritize it. #didntgethatgene
- Autofilter is the most abused features of the modern spreadsheet.
- Wow. I just made a spreadsheet of our eurovision results of the past 50 years and then fitted a trendline. How depressing…
- You cringe whenever someone calls Excel a database #youmightbeaDBA
- Just finished the biggest Excel workbook I’ve ever done. Good note to end on for the holiday weekend. Be safe out there, my friends!
- My boss has his back turned to all of us reading an Excel report and none of us are paying attention. It’s like high school!
- This Excel spreadsheet of doom could be summed up with a single cell containing the word ‘screwed’.
- wonders if there’s any dodgy subtitled French film on tg4 over the weekend. Anything to forget them blasted Excel projects!!
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