Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100820

image Excel certainly brings out the violence in some people, but I’ve never heard of a death certificate being required before. Please, use your ninja Excel skills responsibly!

  • Having a tedious day at work, transferring handwritten ledgers into excel…I really wouldn’t blame you for unfollowing me after this.
  • Amazed @ the # of people who can’t do a simple column sort in excel & request me to re-send sorted data. 2 clicks is too much work for them!
  • How can you not love Excel and lists? Is that really OCD? I call it organized! Don’t you?
  • If you use Excel for graphing XYChartLabeler is a great add in – http://splink.me/FCZHVHbM – I’m plotting competitive landscapes today!
  • trying to use pivot tables in excel 2007 to evaluate reference statistics for our library. They look cool. Now, if I can make them work!
  • Dreamt I was stuck inside an Excel spreadsheet last night. Locked inside a cell, trying to work out the equation to get out…
  • Death Certificate from Waltham: obtained. Now, back to the excel spreadsheet #exceltweets
  • If another spreadsheet dares cross my path today I am going to rip it apart, cell by tiny numbery cell. Don’t say you weren’t warned, Excel.
  • is doing project managery things with charts in Excel. Anyone would think that I’m a professional
  • Automating things in Excel all day long. 🙂
  • I just wrote an equal sign – starting to write an excel function. On a paper. With a pen. Expecting it to work. Been a long day.
  • Please, not another entire day of making charts in Excel…
  • Simple joy: MS Excel’s Pivot table tool.
  • a man with a spreadsheet can never be defated
  • My manager is making me stand behind him while he mutters numbers and calculations at an excel doc.


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