Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100903

image Hooray! It’s the start of a long weekend. Then, next week, we can get back to Excel, and our uber complicated code, and feel like the smart kids in class.

  • Either A I am getting old or B I am getting mature. I am happy I get to work in Excel this morning to build a report
  • What version of Excel are you using? If the charts in Excel 2007 aren’t sexy enough then your raw data must look really bad…
  • LoL @ me training this new old lady .. She barely knows how to work a computer .. Told her to open excel and she said "and what is that?"
  • I think I might be allergic to grids… and I live in New York and work in Excel. Hmm.
  • lol I lost my work schedule, so I tried to be slick & ask my boss if he’d email the Excel file. He hasn’t responded :l
  • I love writing uber complicated excel code and I don’t care who knows it!
  • Now that Museum is gone, I wonder if Terui Ryu will take a desk job at the station. He can work on spreadsheets as Kamen Rider Excel.
  • Today I get to visit the radiation oncologist AND wrestle a spreadsheet to the ground. Which one will be scarier? #thespreadsheetofcourse
  • I can do awesome things with MS Excel…. but now I’m stumped in trying to write code to import data from 150 workbooks in less than 30 mins
  • Woke up early to make a spreadsheet. Now I feel better. Haven’t even had coffee yet.
  • If you’re writing Excel VBA code NEVER USE CLASSES. Seriously buggy. Just make believe it’s 1970 and OOP hasn’t been invented yet.
  • the office temp just dissed my excel skills. I want to slap her with my keyboard. and then create a pivot table for the hell of it. and …
  • created my first pivot table today. who am I and what have I become?
  • Work roadtrip cancelled. A date with excel instead #zzzzzzz
  • I love Excel, its called Excel because its short for Excellent. They were gonna call it Microsoft Wicked, but they felt that was to dated
  • Uh oh, the one time a year I have to make a pie-chart for a presentation is coming up. Usually have to relearn it because Excel has changed!
  • How did I just realize I can make pixelated pictures in excel? Say goodbye to the remnants of my work productivity.
  • Microsoft Excel makes me feel SO stupid. Like the dumb kid in class who is way behind but pretends to flip pages like he/she is w/the class.


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