Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100908

image I don’t know what media glasses are, but maybe they’d improve my Facebook updates, or my Excel tweets.

  • I’ve been looking up cars & putting the information into a chart in Excel for like an hour, lol. I’m desperate and dreaming with some of em!
  • Why Excel? Why you make my life so hard? You cut my charts in two pieces -of course- when I´m running out of ink, n it´s late, n I´m tired.
  • Just got very excited about an Excel pivot table. I’m also covered in marker pen, been writing on walls and I’m wearing media glasses.
  • I rocked an excel spreadsheet! My ancestors would be so proud, I mean that is why they toiled so long and so hard right? So I could excel?
  • Gave some ‘sweet’ attitude email for not giving me the data I requested.Don’t play the ‘excel sheet’ doesn’t work game on me.I invented it!
  • Every time I open an excel spreadsheet my blood pressure goes up 50%. #shootme
  • I would love to learn how to use excel – I have friends that swear by it but I don’t understand it.
  • I love it when my pc is saying don’t work. It’s just crashed and closed my spreadsheets at least I got a nice msg from excel saying sorry.
  • today at work i’ve cleaned, and the rest of the day will go as such: excel, free lunch, excel, meeting, excel. :/ #spreadsheetlife
  • Getting my Pivot on… Excel can open your eyes to things you couldn’t possibly comprehend when working with raw data!
  • What a stupid idea! Excel is not good at all for writing much. I faced so many problems. Most of the time is just spent for fixing them.
  • Excel workbook crashing….why does it give you so many rows if it doesn’t want you to paste something into all of them at the same time?
  • I uttered a phrase today to my wife that she has NEVER heard me say: "I am anxious to finish this spreadsheet." No euphemisms – just Excel.


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