Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101018

sushi I haven’t tried sushi with Excel, but maybe it helps. Fish oils are supposed to improve brain function. Jello shots probably don’t.

  • my worst nightmare is people yelling at me what to input into excel #nocryinginbschool #quote
  • Sushi & Movie with Excel spreadsheet
  • Applying for a credit card is ridiculous. I had to make an Excel spreadsheet just to keep up with all the numbers they’re asking me for.
  • Is lovin trying to explain what an Excel spreadsheet is to Lynnes pensioner mam…it would be easier explaining to a child why water is wet.
  • no other way to say it but " Mad Props" on your excel spreadsheet! Damn! Going to be a huge help!
  • Am I a Nerd for making a complex #Excel spreadsheet for my X-Mas shopping? complete with amounts spent and web page links
  • Learning advanced Excel 2007 while rewatching Lois & Clark. I love week-ends!
  • I must admit, I am becoming an spreadsheet supernerd. Did you all know this Excel does more than just add up sums and make nifty 3D charts?
  • Was introduced to Jello shooters last night by woman who had flavours listed on an Excel spreadsheet. *wince*
  • I love Excel. Ok… love’s way too strong a word. How about ‘live’ because I live Excel daily at work. Have fun explaining.
  • So tired of looking at Excel. Gonna go to the gym for a break.
  • Did a bunch of work last night tracking performance using excel, but didn’t label columns. This morning I have no idea what im looking at…
  • home from work. excel and i played nicely together.
  • tight jeans? check. cute shoes? check. iced coffee…? check. hello excel spreadsheet you’re looking sexy tonight…
  • The charts within cells in excel called sparklines are about as useful as the healight wipers on a mercedez bens.


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