Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101101

image November! How did that happen? Maybe I should let Excel do the thinking for me, and the time wouldn’t pass as quickly.

  • says, "I’m a latecomer to the party, but wow are Excel Pivot Tables awesome."
  • Any chance you could crack into the leave excel spreadsheet and mark off two days for me…? WOnt be in for the next 2 weeks.
  • So I’ve done an excel sheet that gets 3.5 hours or weekly work down to 10 minutes and it’s been met with a ‘oh, that’s…ok’ #wastingmytime!
  • I feel like I could solve an Excel problem I’m having with VBA, but that way lies madness.
  • The problem is that Excel wants to think for you. You have to override that!
  • Excel is a workhorse at manipulating, sorting, tabulating data. Not my thing though. I love looking at data-viz diagrams as Art.
  • I hate excel spreadsheets also… and homework.
  • WHY AREN’T MY NUMBERS ADDING UP?!?!?! I swear, I’ve been staring at this spreadsheet for the last 3 hours!
  • I did a SUM in Excel!! By my self!!! WOOOOO
  • Sundays are most definitely not the day for an Excel spreadsheet… grrr…
  • just created an elaborate excel spreadsheet for marathon training
  • I am finding that Black Sabbath’s War Pigs is conducive SAS coding & Excel spreadsheet building.
  • Um, either I am getting old or I need glasses. I’ve zoomed in on my excel spreadsheet to 200%.
  • Stupid idiots at work, your spreadsheet is wrong. And I can prove it. And I’ll destroy you for it if you take me on. Just argued with boss.
  • I used the pivot table of Excel for the first time today. This is very convenient.
  • ha. 20 crates of 15 bottles and 1 crate of 18 bottles. Took me 3 weeks n one hell of an Excel formula to work that out
  • It’s been a long time since I had a spreadsheet that covered both monitors and still req’d an 80% zoom factor. Big time fun!
  • If excel can do all the work and let me get the answer, then why I have to study this course?


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