Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101208

image Those "Aha!" moments are great — like when you realize you can reuse your code of a poker analysis, or use a smaller font.

  • Trying to remember Excel algorithms while listening to "Hounds of Love." =SUM(Steps on the water * 2)+(Oh oh oh * 3)
  • Dear Microsoft Excel, I hate you and the stupid rainbow pinwheel of death you keep flashing on my screen every time I try to use you!
  • 65,536. The end of an Excel spreadsheet. Obviously a slow day at work…
  • I swear this place is so backwards sometimes. Just spent an hour formatting an excel spreadsheet into a bar graph. With Format Cell > color.
  • I love those "Aha" moments, like today’s: I could write a program to do that, or I could just make a quick Excel sheet and be done with it.
  • Oh Microsoft Excel, why must you recalculate my formula-intensive spreadsheet every time I apply a filter? No data changed!
  • reformatting a badly formatted spreadsheet has me stumped. I hate Microsoft Excel with a passion.
  • Excel spreadsheet + Limp Bizkit = I can actually stand working in Excel.
  • I just made the most amazing Excel chart to manage my money. Pretty impressed with myself
  • After spending WAY too much time trying to get this spreadsheet to work right, I have decided to go "old school!" I miss my pen & paper 🙂
  • Spent all morning fixing a spreadsheet of mine that someone messed up. Please don’t break my links! #excel
  • Most of the mornings work hangs on the balance as my #microsoft #excel is hanging. Don’t know what to do. Hope it fixes itself
  • I am taking an all day Excel training class for work. I may just die of boredom.
  • Excel, because now my boss pays me extra to make her spreadsheets.
  • made some pretty excel charts via VBA today. Will defo be reusing the code in my poker analyser.
  • i wonder how I’ll flawlessly print an Excel worksheet
  • uff…."Computing I" – how to print an #Excel-Document: "press the print button" – wow! And this is a #masters #lecture… #fb
  • at the risk of sounding like a complete loser, i must admit tt when faced w a pile of work & crazy jetlag, excel really calms me
  • So. Please tell me why I can’t load a 73 MB spreadsheet on a 4 GB box? Ah. I needed to use a smaller font.


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