Excel Twitter 20110117
Funny…the Excel T function was covered this weekend in the 30 Excel Functions in 30 Days challenge, and people were tweeting about tea and Excel. Coincidence? You be the judge.
- Never ever ever ever check your work email at midnight. Almost one and I’m on mission that involves Facebook and Excel.
- I do excel spreadsheets on everything. I get made fun of frequently for it. But I dont care. I love them!
- I’m ain’t no excel master, but I think I have improved from being excel stupid!
- Um, I love Excel. If every person had a little more Excel in their life, god knows where our economy would be.
- Macs are for looking cool while doing unimportant things. Excel is for actual work. The two are incompatible by definition.
- A sudden droppage in the Force, tea and Excel sheets to the rescue.
- is soo damn busy today! all thanks to dumb drs who don’t know how to fill up the excel listing! -_-
- Had a very productive day at work. Then wrote an endless code that had to be killed – excel closed and I hadn’t saved. Lost it all. #eff
- My dad is listening to Eye of the Tiger while doing Excel spreadsheets…hahahahahaha now that’s dedication. Love that man.
- Off to spend several hours in spreadsheet hell. Have decided to do this at @techhub – hoping for sympathetic faces.
- spell me your mysteries of finance, merlin of the excel charts
- Just created a few pivot tables all by myself. Excel nerds unite!
- Micro-management on acid: Changing the colour scheme on your employees excel spreadsheet.
- *hugs* Aw! Don’t cry. You could be on your way to work and have to teach Excel like me *shudders*
- i need to go home soon, but I keep finding bugs in my spreadsheet 🙁 #fb
- Drinking hot tea out of an "Excel Guru" mug. Awwww yeah #nerds
- =if(iserror(getpivotdata…),"0",getpivotdata…)If I have to do this just one more time I’m gonna crack up #excel
- Even an old #Excel hand like me can learn something: Use Excel more effectively: http://ow.ly/3EbnI
- Anybody else have that 2:30 "All I want to do is crush 20 beers but I have to stare at this Excel spreadsheet for a few more hours" feeling?
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