Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110617

image If you write a gigundo macro, maybe Excel can put those numbers in automatically. And it might turn on the ceiling fan too!

  • Open a spreadsheet and put some numbes in. That always looks busy & important. 😉
  • Why doesn’t Excel have auto-numbering? Such a stupid mistake.
  • How to fix a problem spreadsheet. Post long convoluted plea for help on Facebook. Problem fixed. Excel is reading your status updates…
  • always a tough juggling act. Excel spreadsheet and food vying for attention, who is the winner?
  • Hard at work chasing down PowerPivot issues which I suspect to be due to inefficient end user reports. How do I train my users better?
  • It’s not a monitor problem it’s an Excel programming problem. #IHateExcel
  • On the bright side of things, #Excel is working just gloriously and i’m in Pivot Table heaven. #nerdgirl
  • One day I’ll be a pivot table ninja .. one day!
  • Having a fight with a pivot table. Rather more impressed with the COUNTIF function than I should be.
  • Taking a half hour lunch so I can go back to work early and finish some Excel spreadsheets. Sometimes I don’t even know who I am anymore.
  • Microsoft Excel is vexing me greatly this morning 🙁 stupid formulas!
  • When you’re spending your day in Excel even the smallest of things can bring immeasurable joy. Freeze panes, I think I love you.
  • Wrote some gigundo macros today and my head hurts but I still love Excel lots.
  • Helped co-worker with Excel function. She returns minutes later w/ external job post. "You’re way too smart for this place." #geethanks #fml
  • someday people will realize that excel charts and powerpoint slides don’t show reality, they *define* reality. DEEFIIIIIIINE.
  • Dear Excel spreadsheet, me and you are going to have an interesting afternoon. *shuts off light*
  • I can’t even get an excel spreadsheet to format! That’s how desperate the day is!
  • I love it when I force Excel to do something complex enough to trigger my laptop’s cooling fan. CHOKE ON IT EXCEL!


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