Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20111017

imageIf you’ve been through the nine circles of Excel, you might start to see animal shapes too. And who hasn’t seen a bit of lion in a spreadsheet?

  • I need more coffee. I’m starting to see animal shapes in the numbers insides my Excel spreadsheet.
  • In other news, I need to spend the afternoon building a big excel workbook. #ihatevlookups
  • the fact that I just opened an excel sheet on my phone brought me a weird amount of excitement
  • i don’t know whats worse gambling or the fact that i spent 3 hours in the middle of the night making an excel worksheet for my betting stats
  • Note to self: Probably best not to start trying to work out Excel formulas at 5pm on a Thursday.
  • I dont wanna tweet about excel or office work stuff anymore…i wanna tweet about fun times in the studio already! 🙁
  • Nothing more frightening than exiting an excel spreadsheet and it prompts you to save changes you were unaware you made.
  • Excel is one of the best inventions ever. I could never do this work by hand.
  • I typed up my thanksgiving shopping list and menu in an excel spreadsheet. My granny would be so proud ?
  • I think there are numbers wrong in this spreadsheet… that’s the only thing I can think of, since I’m 99% sure I’m doing everything right.
  • My "boss" is trying to setup our project management with an excel spreadsheet. #ishouldquit
  • so far today I have mostly been staring at an excel spreadsheet and wondering how to turn it into something a human would understand
  • It physically pains me to sit through an elementary spreadsheet calculations workshop when I’ve been through all nine circles of Excel.
  • Just experienced the gut wrenching feeling of closing Excel & it did not ask me if I wanted to save. Thought I had lost 3 hours of work.
  • I am in metadata hell and the Excel spreadsheet I am working in has a hypnotic and sleep inducing effect.
  • Sounds…fun? Well everything except the spreadsheet.
  • I am dreaming in Excel spreadsheet. Literally. Rows. Columns. In retrospect, I should have known using Excel as a database causes nightmares
  • If there’s anything I love more than using the color of cells in an Excel file as "data", I don’t know what it is.


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