Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120717

image Did you get your pivot table skills from your parents, who are Excel geniuses? Or are they having a screaming match about Excel, while you yell at charts?

  • Finally completed one excel spreadsheet!!
  • I’ve been staring at the same excel spreadsheet since 11am this morning. I’d like to try waterboarding now.
  • My parents are Microsoft Excel GENIUSES ๐Ÿ˜€ I LOVE YOU TWO ๐Ÿ™‚
  • The sudden burst of joy upon discovering that an excel formula you hadn’t expected to work…works…#lifeofanaccountingstudent
  • I hate Excel. and I hate trying to fix someone else’s spreadsheet to work for me. Who wants to make me a spreadsheet?
  • "So You Think You Can Pivot Table" #corporaterealityshows
  • My excel sheets brings all the pie charts to my screen #HungryYakafanna
  • OMG, my thesis adviser. I’m debating between "Hi, I’m doing very well, thank you" or "My boss thinks my Excel skills are awesome, eat that."
  • Please don’t talk to me about excel graphs while I’m trying to pee. I don’t even know you.
  • In Nashville, a "geek", is anyone who can draw charts in Excel or owns a Twitter account. #themoreyouknow
  • Oddly enjoying analyzing data in Excel with pivot tables & learned new formula. Guess the researcher in me is still there. #nerdalert #fb
  • My parents are having a screaming match over my mom not knowing how to work Excel #seriously #isthatnecessary
  • I am about to boldly go where few have gone before in this office and generate a pivot table in the name of journalism. I may be some time.
  • excel skills are coming in handy for my first day at work ๐Ÿ™‚ those boring ict lessons don’t seem to be so useless now..
  • I love a girl who knows what she’s doing…with an Excel spreadsheet
  • non-computer teachers do not assign spreadsheets but have no problem assigning a paper or a powerpoint, no wonder kids don’t know #Excel.
  • Latest obsession. Crashing workbooks. #excel2010 #powerpivot
  • 3 years since I graduated college, and I’m still haunted by pivot tables and Excel spreadsheets


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