Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120911

imageIf the numbers guy doesn’t know how to make a pivot table, that’s bad news. How will you make it look like you’ve hit your target?

  • Never understood the appeal of setting Excel calculation to Manual. Oh, hello 40×500000 cell worksheet almost wholly made of vlookups…
  • If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here, staring intently at this pivot table and sobbing quietly. It’s a life of surprises.
  • All I want to do is formulate a simple pie chart showing my love for different kinds of cake; what is wrong with you Microsoft Excel?!!
  • The boss just yelled at someone for not being good enough at Excel to be able to make these results look like we’d actually hit our target.
  • I love having my time wasted while Excel thinks and thinks….. and thinks…… and thinks…… #fail
  • It’s time to admit a problem when I’ve created a color-coded excel spreadsheet for our TV shows #FallTVschedule
  • I figured out how to make a graph on Excel, and now I feel really accomplished.
  • Are you kidding me? Company hired a new guy and he doesn’t even know the basic functionality of an excel spreadsheet.
  • A list of 5 things does not need to be an excel spreadsheet! STOP THE MADNESS!
  • My boss added an extra pivot table to my weekly utilization reports and now I feel like I’ve been inappropriately caressed.
  • No one showed up for work today. Also, I broke Excel.
  • Every time I look at an excel spreadsheet a fairy dies.
  • Tweet planning is so much easier in #excel, why didn’t I do this sooner? I love you character count function! #socialmedia #tip
  • I don’t wanna sound like a badass or anything, but I made it to the bottom of an excel spreadsheet once during class
  • hey there I love excel spreadsheets, and thats not a metaphor for anything
  • I hate group projects. Example: "I’m a numbers guy, I know stats." – Doesn’t know how to make a pivot table.
  • I need to go back to 7th grade and learn how to work with excel -__-
  • Stupid Excel is trying to remove my habit of typing both parenthesis and then typing inside. WELL BAD NEWS, PAL.


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