Excel Humor

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imageSome days it feels like you’re fighting bears to get your Excel work done. Other days, you’re just fighting with the printer.

  • How to be an engineer: 1. Learn how to use Excel. 2. Make charts all day and look busy. 3. Use big words so no one knows what you’re doing.
  • Today’s a day I am SO thankful to have had a boss who made me learn how to use Excel like a big kid #vlookup #sumifs #nerd
  • My crappy, misfiring work computer and Excel’s chronic inability to work properly are giving me a new understand of the film Office Space
  • The no. of colors highlighted in the excel is directly proportional to the job level.Only boss shld know what he means by Orange color.
  • Every weekend I tell myself to practice Excel and I never remember until I’m actually at work doing it.
  • Just truly discovered array formulas in Excel. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GAME-CHANGER. Now to try to explain it to my boss and her Excel 97 mind.
  • My hobbies include writing very complicated code in excel to accomplish menial tasks.
  • I’ll say it again, you guys: I love Excel. I loooove Excel. I’d get in bed and cuddle up with a pivot chart at night if they’d let me. #geek
  • Best feature of Excel 2013: only one worksheet when creating new spreadsheets
  • interviewing people at work who are all like "yeah I can use excel" and then can’t even find "start" ????????????
  • "So, you can use Microsoft Excel to make graphs?" This is a question that my boss asked me.
  • So this job I’m going for. Like 90% of it is Excel. The other 10% is Powerpoints about Excel. I am so gonna be taking my work home.
  • I just out stupid myself … had a fully colour coded excel sheet printed it in black n white
  • Ma’am, I suggest you look the other way. You don’t wanna see some extreme Excel work in action.
  • Boss: What do the colors (on this report) mean? Me: That I can use Excel and a color printer
  • Why doesn’t Excel have an Undo button for a deleted worksheet? Darn it. Spent hours on that worksheet.. T.T
  • Pretty cool how my ancestors used to fight bears and bison for survival & I hate everything when I can’t get an Excel function to work


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