Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160212

A boss who is a boulder might not appreciate your new pivot table and VLOOKUP skills. Maybe you should give up using Excel for a while, or explode a few pie charts.

If you like this week’s tweets, please do me a favour and share the link. Thanks! [bctt tweet=”Here are this week’s best #Excel tweets, for your Friday entertainment”]

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • This girl couldn’t get the Autofill on #Excel to work since she kept spelling February as “Februrary”
  • Just fixed an Excel Pivot Table AND a Moodle Forum question in quick succession. GOD I’m marginally smarter than those around me
  • Think I may have just killed my laptop using only Excel and an Index-Match function. #nerdytweet #FML
  • “Hey Google, I need an Excel formula that’ll give me a count of rows that match this other value” “That’s literally a pivot table” “OH YEAH”
  • Last night I learned vlookup & pivot tables. I regret rejecting my dad’s attempt to teach me excel & code. 14yo me should’ve known better.
  • “I work with data” “Like big data?” “No, small data, like building dashboards in Excel” “Ah ha, I called that intimate data…”#data
  • That moment when your boss mentions that you missed two tabs in the Excel sheet. *Charlie Brown scream*
  • My boss to me when I said I couldn’t teach her my job in 3 wks: “I’ve actually used Excel a lot, just never for formulas.” #wut #excel #lol
  • I just learned what a VLOOKUP was in Google Sheets. Excel is like programming, except you are always writing minified code.
  • If your boss will be impressed by your knowing 6 excel hacks then you’ve got a boulder for a boss.
  • There’s a pie chart option in Excel called “pie explosion.” This is 0% explosion versus 50% and then 100%. pic.twitter.com/iJ7nu5qeoM
  • I will never understand IT job postings. Wanted: Candidate should have a Masters in a quantitative field. Duties: Pivot tables in Excel
  • I’ve decided to give up using Microsoft Excel for lent. Friends say it’ll never work but I think it’s an Excel-lent idea.
  • A scatterplot problem woke me up out of a sound sleep. This is why we can’t have nice things, #Excel.
  • Stop tweeting and get on with your excel work.

If you like this week’s tweets, please do me a favour and share the link. Thanks! [bctt tweet=”Here are this week’s best #Excel tweets, for your Friday entertainment”]


This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Stop tweeting and get on with your Excel work http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Felix_Brehh, macneacal, ThomIPhillips, someluckyday, librarianjeli, benlcollins, sck229, xochristianna, wesbos, cynicalgrinch, hannahroseeli, nick_vale_, John_Jamieson, science_goddess, dposkitt1


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