Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160916

With all the seductive whispering, X-rated workbooks, disturbing dreams and nerdgasms, this week’s collection of tweets might not be suitable for children. If you’re underage, or a sensitive type, perhaps you should play Pokeman Go instead.

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • I want you to whisper ‘pivot table’ in my ear.
  • excel as a hammer… hitting nails one worksheet at a time
  • I just made my first pivot table. I will never make another, if I can avoid it. I will commit serious crimes to avoid having to do so.
  • The proportion of times when Excel has tried to help me that were actually helpful asymptotes to 0 as t -> infinity
  • I just made an excel chart of my classes EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS
  • Few things more painful in life than working through an excel worksheet as a class
  • Is there anything more annoying than that stupid yellow enable edit thing when you go to open up Word or Excel documents?!?!
  • You must be 18 to use this workbook. It’s rated X for #Excel. O_o
  • I saved the workbook I’ve been working on for nearly three hours and excel crashed seconds later. Living life on the absolute edge today
  • Am I the only one that would LOVE a Pokemon Go to Excel export? I want to track and chart my candy types!
  • Every pivot table I set up requires three attempts to get it to do what I want. This is supposedly a skill I’ve had for ~7 years
  • I’m the Data King. An Excel formatting wizard. The Pivot Table Prince. All bow before my spreadsheet prowess
  • This morning I used the neologism “nerd-gasm” after solving the problem of there being no n-roots in excel. I’m both proud and ashamed.
  • I dreamt about excel functions last night. needless to say, i should work less.
  • Excel is fine. You’re the problem.

Whisper Pivot Table in my ear http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Whisper Pivot Table in my ear http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Tareq + the machine, Nathan Fisher, Marcus Kernohan, Colin Angus, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Ammie ✨, Jennifer Young, science_goddess, Casey Gamble, /Fay-lee-nuh/, Sean Connolly, M[]KE, Trivia Tom, Jenna Tanenbaum, JA Clark



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