Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160923

There are Excel books for dummies; should we have Excel messages for dummies too? That might reduce the number of #REF! errors. Or not. Oh, the horror!

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Im starting to think my boss thinks #REF errors in Excel are cute to have
  • Pivot tables in excel are my life, and if you don’t know what one is then I’m not sure I wanna know you…
  • my boss asked me to do some graphic design work and when i asked what version of photoshop they had, he asked me to “just do it in excel”
  • In Hell, I “work on my excel skills” for eternity.
  • my plan for today is to sit at my desk and watch excel tutorials on youtube. surprisingly, my boss is ok with this.
  • When in doubt, pivot table it out #excel #law #methodology #trainingcontract
  • After all of these years, I FINALLY learned how to make a chart on Excel. #movinonup #nerd
  • Now trying to figure out Excel’s code for custom number formatting. Oh, the horror.
  • Tho “can’t open this file; there is a problem w/its contents” is polite, I’d prefer “hey dummy you’re trying to open an Excel file in Word”
  • I’ve spent more time trying to make a pie chart in excel than i have ever spent on any homework assignment in my life.
  • I figured out a problem with Excel all on my own and I believe that alone entitles me to a college degree
  • So much of excel work is thinking around a problem. The most obvious answer isn’t always the best one.
  • The problem of having to excel windows open is that sometimes you click the sum button on the wrong one.
  • Half of my day at work is spent praying Excel doesn’t crash.
  • I’ll tell ya, sorting this 480,000 row Excel worksheet isn’t as quick as you might think.

Spend half my day praying Excel doesn't crash http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.


















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This Week’s Tweets By

Michael, MBA, Jack Hilton, SUKI DEEN, Strump n’ Grind, camille, Paul, Francine Espiritu, Aaron Schiff, Minion Librarian, Poor Homie Sah, Sarah Lee, Louise, Kevin Fletcher, Vjosë, Mike Fraser



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