Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20161021

Are pivot tables a powerful secret weapon? Would James Bond use them to outwit the bad guys? Or maybe he planned all of his moves in Excel’s old flight simulator.

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Today made me love excel so much more than I already do
  • When you work on an Excel, and then it asks you “Do you want to save changes?” and you click No.
  • the dude next to me at work is listening to slam poetry radio on pandora and filling out excel sheets.
  • Learned how to make pivot tables in excel today and I feel like I’ve been entrusted with an extremely powerful weapon.
  • As much a I love excel, it has a phenomenal knack for crashing at the WORST possible time!! #budgets #accountantsproblems
  • In an excel training class for work…. We spent 5 minutes explain alt tab #makeexcelgreatagain
  • @mistriiii There used to be a hidden flight simulator in Excel. It was poo. But passed the time at work.
  • Once a month, every month, I have to work with an ~38 MB Excel document. It stresses me emotionally
  • Cracked it. Minimal muttering & pacing. ;0) (I’m so sad. Nothing makes me happier than cracking a tricky excel logic problem.
  • Every time I unlock my phone using my fingerprint I feel like a true James Bond…who also has to go to work and use Excel.
  • Apparently the only way I can brainstorm now is through an excel worksheet
  • The amount of tea I drink is directly correlated to the amount of my day spent in Excel. Thankfully I love both.
  • Now all my stories are, “let me tell you about this excel chart.”
  • My dad is obsessed with Microsoft excel. Pretty sure that’s all he does at work.
  • if i put “Excels at Excel” on my resume do i automatically get the job or how does that work

Happiness is solving a tricky Excel problem http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.


















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This Week’s Tweets By

Jasmin, Little Black Dress, alex, resolutions keeper, OASYS, thethirdrah, Lane, Babátúndé, Louise, Ezequiel Asnaghi, Feven, Adam Russell ⚡, Rose, chuck, Dbo



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