Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170818

Are you the company Excel expert, finding creative ways to break Excel? Or are you busy printing your spreadsheets, and taking pictures of them? Harry Potter wants to know.

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

When your Excel formula is so long that it feels like code http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

  • I should bring a sketchbook to work for when excel takes 10 mins to process simple things I try to do
  • I had a dream where I was at work and excel kept crashing. What a wild nightmare.
  • Pro tip; don’t enroll into an advanced Excel dashboards course if you don’t know what a pivot table is.
  • Someone printed an excel sheet, took a picture of it, and then emailed me the picture to work from. So now I’m re-keying all these numbers.
  • You get a pivot table. And you get a pivot table…pivot tables for all. Now it’s time for a late lunch.
  • I swear listening to music helps my get work done so much faster, I’m like Baby Driver on Excel
  • Combined my love of Excel and Harry Potter by naming a new spreadsheet VoldeSORT, so yeah, I’m kinda busy today.
  • Me when my boss introduced me to the ENTIRE COMPANY as the "Excel Expert"
  • when the excel formula so long u feel like ur writing code
  • My life in Excel hell. I manage to break Excel in the most awesome ways. #FML

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.












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This Week’s Tweets By

nini, Lorie Cerbito, Jorge Camoes, MuffinEmperor, Just Amanda, Jamie., Allison Powell, Alec , woj, Carey Lening


When your Excel formula is so long that it feels like code http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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