Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20161007

Are your nightmares filled with Excel files or creepy clowns? I’ll answer that question after I finish these three delicious plates of pasta. I might need a coffee break too. Oh, and a piece of gum.

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • This person inserted a text box to type in on every cell on this excel sheet. This is who I work with.
  • I wish one of my friends knew how to work excel
  • Apparently, “I don’t want it in box boxes, I want it in words”, is stupidspeak for “I can’t read Excel sheets for nuts”
  • As stupid as it sounds, I can’t stop dreaming about Excel. Yeah, it could be worse, I could be dreaming of creepy clowns, but still. #dreams
  • Worked out such a good Excel formula at work yesterday I took a photo of it
  • Excel is the devils work. I’m talking about the program, not the gum
  • Can’t tell you how much I enjoy your latest Excel update, @Microsoft. Crashing every 3 min has really brought a nice, steady rage to my work
  • I love Excel. Until I can’t figure out the formula I need. haha.
  • Microsoft Excel is probably the only place in the universe where 450-450 is -5,68434E-14 (approx. -0,0000000057). #excel #fml #fb
  • *does one spreadsheet in Excel at work* *adds proficient in Excel to resume*
  • When I have to work with excel, I stress eat carbs… This morning I need like three plates of pasta to get through this fresh hell
  • I just made the most amazing pivot table! #spreadsheetnirvana
  • Just made an Excel formula work between tabs, this is akin to the monkeys on 2001 discovering that statue
  • Lots of work today. Just wanted to stare at my friends on twitter and facebook before I set off to sob into excel workbooks.
  • Stupid Excel… time for a coffee break 🙂

Excel = I Need Coffee http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Excel = I Need Coffee http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Alex, Syd, ObiWanManobi, Darla Krusee, Dan Radcliffe, Forbes MacQuarrie, Bill Connelly, Angelie, Jonas Bolldén, Mel Plante, Mrs. Krueger, Mel, Etchtastic, April, Jenn M



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