Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110819

imageIs a barbeque more fun than getting a pivot table to look like the one in the book? I donā€™t think so!

  • I just figured out how to make this freaking pivot table work!!!!! I’m declaring myself a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I’ve done more work in Excel today than is healthy. Can see little grid lines when I close my eyes.
  • My pivot table now looks more like the one in the book! *party~~~~* hahahaa
  • I hate to sound like a major dork… but Excel pivot tables are the shizznit.
  • Calculating budget using excel is quite fun. I always enjoy it. Especially calculating future cost. I love numbers. I love dollars.
  • My new favorite #Excel function: "OFFSET"…creeping into almost all my new #spreadsheets. It is so versatile and applicable!
  • just created an excel file with 31 columns of data, made a pivot from it and then included in a presentation, not bad for 30 mins at lunch
  • I’m thinking in columns. Stupid Excel.
  • bbq + go-karting? How are you getting all these perks? Best perk i’ve had – when Excel crashes and i have some free time.. #saveme
  • Turns out #Excel doesn’t like ‘Track Changes’ on 17k records with 40 columns of data. Strange šŸ˜€
  • I am drowning in 750 thousand lines of excel code. I’m now seeing characters wherever I look. I see sums and concatenations instead of faces
  • so apparently Excel 2010 is so 20th Century you can’t split cells…. #microsoftsucks #getwiththetimes
  • i officially hate trying to work within the confines of #Excel when I really want to make this project a databaseā€¦stupid people
  • How can Excel for Mac being such a crappy software? The Windows version is great. Who screwed up, Apple or MS? #officeformac #excel
  • three days down and 311342 days left at death row.. i mean excel.. #fml
  • Flu + headache + 3 hours of Excel. Equals the death of me.
  • I’m making sweet, sweet love to an excel file. Don’t be jealous.


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