Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110818

image Do people like the boss’s wife, even though she doesn’t have many Excel skills?

  • Remember those great Excel changes you all suggested? The boss’s wife, who does the books, couldn’t understand them. Now I have to revert.
  • 1 down 3 to go, creating the worlds most powerful and influential bug testing matrix, using none other than Microsoft’s own "excel". :/
  • tearing things up with my pivot table skills. #guyslikegirlswithskills
  • No surprise: I find it super relaxing to do research and put data into excel spread sheets at work #nerdalert #atleastigetpaidtodothis
  • Lmaoo…my boss just got so happy that I fixed all his codes on his bugeting excel worksheet that he clapped for me.
  • Boss is a nightmare with any kind of data software. I hate excel but I can tell where she went wrong in about 10 seconds.
  • I hate Excel sometimes, like the ritual of closing every other application before creating a pivot with a half million rows.
  • I feel like an excel superhero…an "or" nested in an "and" nested in an "if" all linked to a separate worksheet…
  • The thing people like best about me in general? My #Excel skills.
  • Peeling myself off the ceiling now after Excel spreadsheet corruption – if I go and stick the kettle on things might just improve..
  • Guess what I get to do today? Write a rather involved Excel macro in _Visual Basic for Applications_. Old school. Eww.
  • Protip of the night: Excel functions don’t work too well in Word. Things are going poorly over here.
  • There really needs to be an innovation in Excel sheets. They’re just plain super boring to work on!
  • so I just bought Excel so I can tinker with it at home (for work), what is wrong with me
  • People who say this time period is passionless have never overheard my boss argue with an IT person about whether an excel plug-in works.
  • Week #2 & I’ve already impressed my boss w my mastery of Excel by revamping various data tracking workbooks. Yes, I am a giant nerd.
  • excel formatting sending me to sleep, lots of work now but if i do it it should hopefully pay off later
  • call me a dork, but excel macros make it happen. #excel


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