Excel Twitter 20120917
Don’t judge me on my Excel colour choices! That might erase another precious childhood memory, or force me to write a song about spreadsheets.
- "If you understand this, your life will be very easy….. in Excel at least." Hilarity at Sunday work training.
- Going to make the daddy of all sandwiches & then plan my life out with the help of an excel spreadsheet…
- The guy performing at work is singing a song he wrote about Microsoft excel omg
- I’m confident I could reach the Final Four of Excel chart making. It’s my speed that would get me there.
- I had to use Microsoft Excel at work today so now I know another thing I’m terrible at.
- Microsoft Excel’s pivot tables are the Soul music to my James Brown #Ifeelgood #IknewthatIwould #sogood #sogood #cozIgotcellsandformulas
- Work w/ Excel long enough and everything, even ppl, start looking like functions that need to go in their proper cells.
- I’m pretty sure we can divvy this up fairly. You can keep all the Excel charts, and I’ll keep all the Google ones
- For a more accurate account of what I do at work my job title should be changed to ‘Excel support’
- I really regret skipping out on the excel spreadsheet class. #serious
- irrationally scared that for every moment i work with excel, a joyous childhood memory vanishes from my consciousness
- Excel spreadsheets are way too much fun. I live to make bubble charts. #sarcastictweet #oramIbeingserious? You will never kn0o0ow
- Somehow my boss is making me work excel when I haven’t done it since freshman year of high school. #whatamidoing #uh
- My Excel skills are… off the charts.
- Simple. Just put all of them into an excel spreadsheet, make the cells giant, and throw a dart at the screen.
- Scatterplots are the easiest types graphs in excel you can create, yet they are the only graph I can’t seem to get right.
- Colorblind Excel guy just went off on an epic rant about how his boss ‘fixes’ his charts. Hilarious.
- Why yes, I do judge you based on the way you color code your Excel grid.