Excel Twitters 20100414
According to yesterday’s tweets, Excel drives you to beer, alcohol and cookies, with the occasional pie explosion. Is anyone surprised? And those estimates on the number of cells in a worksheet don’t look right to me. Maybe those tweeters have a special version of Excel.
- People using excel still have to know basic math. Pretty charts don’t make up for your lack of understanding what they mean.
- Excel spreadsheets are sapping the very will to live. Who invented this unspeakable hell??
- Just figured out how to put a hyperlink into an excel spreadsheet. I’m on FIRE today.
- behind every fashionable girl is an amazing spreadsheet. I also spent hours od my life in excel š
- Slowly learning what software NOT to use: DON’T use Excel for delicate numerics, DON’T use R for simulation, DON’T use Matlab for symbolics!
- Tried the fancy app for tracking mileage on my Blackberry Curve. Experiment over. Going old school–hello, Excel spreadsheet!
- I’ve been in an excel spreadsheet for about five hours today. The same spreadsheet. The EXACT same spreadsheet. Sigh.
- Sign you may need Excel Anonymous: pasting a block of text into an XLS file then attaching it to an email. #excel #addiction
- Magnificently, there is an Excel chart type called "Pie Explosion".
- chief excel officer is purna duggirala’s designation "selecting right chart for ur data" wonder what that means #techedindia
- I’m going cross-eyed between these endless excel sheets of vendors…is it too early for a beer? :oP
- Worked all day on updating our karaoke library. Excel spreadsheets – my eyeballs hurt!
- I just learnt that the most amount of cells available on an Excel Workbook is 4,278,190,080. Don’t believe me, count ’em!
- For those who were wondering: I just did the math and there are 16,711,680 cells in an Excel spreadsheet.
- My life is run by Outlook and Excel. Microsoft owns me.
- I’m at work. Ready to start the day and I see my nemesis Excel is here to taunt me. Play nice, Tuesday. Play nice!
- The times have changed. I spent 75% of my day baking cookies. 6 mths ago I would spend 75% doing nothing & 25% staring at Excel spreadsheets
- Microsoft Excel…you wait 2 hours to tell me there is a problem with my spreadsheet??!? Thanks for wasting my entire afternoon. You suck.
- I’m glad it isn’t too late to find alcohol – the way this Excel import code is going. GrandSlam is still open, and only a 1km walk away!
- I can edit video and manipulate photos on this iMac G5, but pasting into an Excel spreadsheet takes more computing power than Apollo 11.
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