Excel Twitters 20090612
MacGyver, coffee cake and Klondike bars – Excel goes with everything. There were lots of interesting Excel related tweets this week, as you can see. And no, that wasn’t J-Walk who got the “I Love Excel” mug, but he must have a twin somewhere. Or maybe it was Jon Peltier — it’s his birthday today.
You can check out Mike’s new Excel and Access blog, Bacon Bits, and tell him that he should get a Twitter account – I’m sure he could be just as entertaining in 140 characters or less.
Why It’s Called a “Spread” Sheet
- A frustrating and BORING admin day. Mainly working in Excel *groan*. I would like some coffee and walnut cake to make it less Snoresville
- Chillin’ on a high dose of NCIS after a jalapeño chicken kebab and helping my son with Excel charts. XLNT!
- Massive excel project to do. All nighter? Check. Massive bottle of coke? Check. Sanity intact come morning? Um…we’ll see
- A tasty ice cappucino with caramel syrup and my excel problems are solved 🙂
- excel spreadsheets, shipleys doughnuts, coffee, and good music = a great morning!
- Reading BaconBits, new Excel and Access blog by Mike Alexander of DataPig http://www.datapigtechnologies.com/blog
- Only the power of Microsoft Excel and my highschool physics notes can save me now!
- Do you hate it when someone touches your screen? as in pointing out a number on excel? I do.
- 479 beers in the excel spreadsheet, take one down, put it in the database, 478 beers in the excel spreadsheet. #Tedious #boring #horrible
- Strange design brief – “using excel, make this spreadsheet look like it’s been designed in a high-end graphics package”. Yikes.
Colourful Charts
- Yorkshire and Humber Euro result pie chart http://twitpic.com/6w00x . Excel’s crap, but a I got the colours to match the parties.
- I make a lot of charts in Excel. Found http://www.colorbrewer.org and I no longer fuss with effective color schemes. Perfect!
- The world is full of fools that don’t know how to use excel, but as soon as they learn how to do a pivot table, they think they are pros!
- me v Excel. I’m launching pivot table bombs, it is responding with devastating #VALUE! Missiles
- can’t do a pivot table without thinking of Ross screaming “PIV-OT” while moving in a couch on that episode of Friends.
Creative Arts
- found in an cell J125 of an excel file today: “why didn’t i just listen to my mother && become a rapper?”
- For my birthday I got a pair of sandals, a banjo and an “I love Excel” mug. I love them all but fear that makes me some kind of demographic
- hate some documents like boring excel lists you dont need anymore? destroy them in a creative way. http://the-unloader.com
Nifty Tools
- I love the J-Walk & Associates Conditional Row Delete Add-In for #Excel. Saves me at least 1 hour a week. http://bit.ly/9NcdT
- Excel Users, CRM – watch this company’s tool – best I have seen yet (and use it): http://bit.ly/194fX1
- Looks interesting – search driven marketing data with a nifty Excel add-in from MS http://twurl.cc/13ho
Flush With Success
- How did I plan the menu at my wedding? Ask people for their choices, then aggregate popularity with an excel spreadsheet. But still a pain.
- reviewing an excel spreadsheet of 1500 profane words you cannot use to describe what you’d do for a klondike bar. my job is fun.
- Feeling more productive lately, fixed Ashley’s toilet, created an excel spreadsheet to calculate my cost of living, and writing a song 🙂
MacGyver Vs. Google
- developing a complex thing with VBA feels like being mcguyver that uses duct tape and a pocket knife to build an airplane
- my excel VBA skills are as sharp as ever. Only took 20 mins to figure out how to access a custom workbook property (incl. googling time)