Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20090724

What did we learn in Twitter this week? Excel can improve your health, or make you feel like a time-poor hack. Good thing a sense of humour will help you get through the week, even if your 17-year-old self wouldn’t recognize you. And no, that tired and cranky tweeter wasn’t me!

Now remember, don’t let your kung-fu get rusty, and keep pimping that Excel shiz.

Health Benefits

  • dude, my hand muscles are going to be so RIPPED from all of this excel work. HUGE.
  • I’m surprised $MS hasn’t tried marketing excel as a hangover remedy based on their past fails.
  • fighting off the urge to fall right asleep – who knew excel formulae had such a lulling effect? This could the cure to insonmnia!
  • Microsoft Excel … keeping those of us with OCD happy for more than 20 years.

Stupid Questions

  • Why does rotating text in Excel make it look like it was produced by the unabomber’s typewriter?
  • I am tired and cranky and working on an excel spreadsheet. I wouldn’t ask me any stupid questions right now.
  • When am I going to learn to format my excel sheets after I am done instead of 20 billion times during?

Screwing Things Up

  • OH.. was that *me* who pasted tattoo artist Stephen Huie’s URL into my boss’ excel spreadsheet and then EMAILED it to him? yes, yes it was.
  • Screwing things up in Excel.. I thought I was an Excel genius.. So difficult to admit i’m not… Still need to work it out tho…
  • Over-complex accounting spreadsheet baffles time-poor hack who previously thought he knew a bit about Excel…
  • I am resigning my membership to the “MS Excel Experts Alliance” since I couldn’t sort a sheet correctly last night. lol 1 screw up & ur out.

An Acquired Taste

  • No consolation I know, but I made a rather splendid buffet/MS Excel pie-chart joke today in a meeting. No-one laughed.
  • Today wrote the line “Sexit Sub” when coding VBA… and laughed. I need to get out more.
  • Excel: did you hear the one about the sum that broke the rules? It was put in a cell!

No Limit

  • There is no limit to the ways the human imagination can misuse an Excel spreadsheet. I mean, it’s a frickin’ art form.
  • before ms excel – guest post by Carolyn Fraser http://bit.ly/QBcdM
  • Great download-able (Excel) list of 415 Museums on Twitter prepared by @MuseumMarketing http://ow.ly/hRJc
  • How much are your memories worth?…http://bit.ly/BKToD theres even an Excel spreadsheet!?!?

VBA Skills

  • good grief, my excel kung-fu is rusty as hell. remember when i could do VBA? yeah, me neither, apparently.
  • I just entered the Code For Excel and Outlook blog contest #cfeao http://tinyurl.com/mlr7mm
  • Nesting IF’s and VBA I do not how I got here! tip dont volunteer to streamline an excel spreadsheet, at work!, I am in cell A5998-help!!
  • Just finished my interview. The guy said basically that I may be too business analytical for the needs of his vba reporting. What?

Office Politics

  • What’s the best way to tell your colleague that Microsoft Excel meant it to be pronounced “pih-vut” and not “pie-vatt” table?
  • What you don’t want to hear in part of a conversation about a broken excel spreadsheet, is your name mentioned as a person who could help…
  • Late night PPT creations and Excel formulations…my 17 year old self would not even know me. Hello Corporate Canada.

Just Me?

  • I love the smell of excel in the morning.
  • In Excel, does everyone else immediately start singing Run DMC as soon as you hit the “wrap text” radio button? Just me?
  • had a great week pimping that excel shiz


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