Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091130

It’s Monday, so we’re back to work in Excel, complaining about our bosses, clients and homework assignments. That student might be in for a shock though, if he does become self-employed. Can he really avoid Excel?

Even Tiger Woods was mentioned in the Excel tweets. That’s a sign that he’s becoming successful!

Sadly Lacking

  • Sometimes, it is just easier to do something for clients than explain to them how to do it themselves. Especially in Excel.
  • my boss at work is like an Excel Yoda, but taller, less green and sadly lacking in comedy speech defect.
  • am trying to decipher what my boss did to the excel spreadsheet i’m supposed to update. heh.

My Bad

  • Our professor just told us not to touch anything in the Excel sheet he posted. Apparently he’s unfamiliar with "Undo" and "Don’t Save".
  • The farther in to this Excel course I get, the more I want to scream "Screw this!" and just be self-employed :/
  • I should probably have gone over EXCEL a little earlier than 12 hrs before my physics lab final… My bad.
  • Making a test using excel so every kid gets a different set of questions. CHEATERS!!!
  • Time for assignment that’s due this Friday. Excel pivot table on North American mushrooms. Thrilling data mining exercise indeed.

Stage Names

  • Thinking of taking a Tiger Woods-style stage name appropriate to consulting. Maybe Malcolm Excel? Or Slideshow Bob


P.S. If Tiger Woods wants to organize his tee off times in Excel, he can use my sample workbook: Assign TeeOff Times


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