Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091203

Some days we like formulas, some days we hate them, and some days we don’t even know which formula to use. Oh well, at least we have our friends to support us during the tough times. Or do we?

Tomorrow Will Suck

  • Finished a budget management solution in Excel incorporating forecast and actuals variance analysis, all thanks to the SUMPRODUCT formula.
  • The "transpose" feature of Excel is a bunch of crap
  • How do you find out which excel function achieves the result you want? There’s too many to choose from! Blessed be the miracle of choice…
  • Goddamn you Excel array formulas. I hate you more than Iceland (the store not the country)
  • when i reinvent the qwerty keyboard, i’m NOT going to require a 2-button command to add parenthesis! makes excel work sooooo much longer!
  • I hate tiny errors that occur in excel formulas that throw off my entire project and then take 90 mins for me to fix. Tomorrow will suck.

Real Life

  • Playing with excel ……. that’s what my weekends have become ……..
  • For every new Excel keyboard shortcut I learn, I might as well be CNTRL ALT Delete’ing my chances for friends in real life.
  • I could see you with an excel spread sheet with all your friends on the X axis and your feelings on the Y axis.
  • I’m thinking of creating a 2010 ‘Spontaneity Shedule’ in an Excel spreadsheet… 😉


P.S. For help with SUMPRODUCT see Excel Sum Functions — Sum Excel Cells and Bob Phillips’ page on Understanding SUMPRODUCT.


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