Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091211

According to today’s Excel tweets, bosses don’t excel in Excel. I’m sure some bosses know what they’re doing, and their employees are too busy to spend the day complaining on Twitter!

But, if your boss drives you crazy, or Excel ruins your day, you can always turn to drink. Or philosophy.

Who’s the Boss?

  • I just submitted an excel spreadsheet as a document turn in. Boss is upset that it’s not in "table form". Not sure how that is possible.
  • Dear Boss, why did I want to give you a PDF and not the actual excel sheet? Because I knew you’d eff it up. And you did. Thanks!
  • Why is it that my boss wants to use a SUPER-DUPER-ULTRA-DETAILED Excel file? Not only will this create triplicate work, but it’s error prone
  • Client asks what position his firm is in a list. Boss prints out excel sheet with (a long) unordered list and tells me to count.
  • Office Rule #2: When sending an e-mail attachment of an excel spreadsheet to a superior do NOT call it a spreadshit.
  • watching my boss use Excel was torture, my control freak self nearly had a meltdown
  • Fun with excel: My boss wants to get rid of "that heavy border," the box that highlights the active cell. Nope, it’s not going anywhere.

Driven to Drink

  • My triumph against the evil of Excel is almost complete. Then I’m off work for 4 days. I predict one or more drinks may soon be had.
  • still at work. my coworker just brought wine to the office. my excel sheets just became a little bit more interesting.

Draw Your Own Conclusion

  • My prof is /drawing/ an "excel "spreadsheet in the board. Yay technology.
  • i guess ‘we’ (my department) has decided that using 2x (redundancy) whiteboards is more efficient than using an excel spreadsheet/database

Philosophy Corner

  • Looking at a row of insipidness in a collum of inconsequence on someone’s excel spreadsheet of life.


P.S. If your boss want you to count, you can use one of these Excel Count Functions. And if the boss wants “Table Form”, maybe an Excel Table will solve the problem.


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