Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100120

Excel helps you stay organized, and you can even help other people with their stuff. Just be careful that you don’t lose everything that you entered. Your wedding could be ruined!

And if you’re trying to make a timeline in Excel there are instructions here for an Excel Gantt Chart.

Excel Time

  • Design an excel that can enter tasks, autocalculate dependencies, start/finish times, and make a gantt chart You mean MS Project? "No!"
  • After looking at a lot of different time tracking methods, I’ve been told I have to use an excel spreadsheet. sigh.
  • I still can not believe I went for so many years without a timeline excel spreadsheet. I access it more than my internetz
  • one of my timesheet entries at work today: "explaining how to open a file in excel".

Wedding Plans

  • Excel has fooked up my spreadsheet & I’ve lost all my fecking addresses so wedding thank yous are not going to well.
  • I have surprised myself today with excellent excel skills. Best spreadsheet ever!! Wedding organisation is SO important…
  • Decided to work on a guest list for the wedding. I am an Excel wannabe. I lost everything. All well. Guess no one is invited.

Clean and Organized

  • I color-coded some rows in an Excel spreadsheet to let me know their status. The problem? I forget which color means which status… #fb
  • oh yeah! i love how my data looks at pivot table. so clean and organized! finally can leave office and start my weekend in peace 😀
  • I was just informed that bc I’m an organized sort of person its my job to make pretty excel charts 4 the accountant of all our biz expenses

Excel Tip of the Day

  • Whenever you want to procrastinate on a big project, open an Excel worksheet. That’ll hold you for two hours at least.


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