Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100318

Great, now that Love Shack song is stuck in my head. Maybe some chips, chocolate and Coke, or a VLookup formula, will drive it out.

  • Excel says I divided by 0 and I didn’t. Computers are stupid.
  • After doing an Excel spreadsheet, there’s 7 NFL teams I like/love and 7 teams I despise/hate
  • I’m in bed thinking about excel formulas. And hoping I don’t be a prisoner of war tonight. Please ah.
  • Oh no excel, please don’t do that. No. Just give yourself a moment. Don’t shut down. No no no. Ohhhh. You bastard.
  • Filling out a bracket for a pool my aunt is organizing. I gotta hand it to her, the Excel Spreadsheet she made for it is a thing of beauty.
  • People are amazed by the simplest Excel functions. People like my boss and others who use this program everyday…
  • Just selected cell B52 in an #Excel spreadsheet and all of a sudden "Love Shack" started playing in my head.
  • GRRRRRRRRR… someone sat down at my desk and killed a window… wiping out an hour and a half of excel spreadsheet creation.
  • is going to plot her life in an Excel spreadsheet and get to bed tonight before 10 p.m. AND I’m baking a cake.
  • No. of people we meant to invite to work marketing event = 348. No. of invitations sent = 1,140. Oops! Damn Excel filters…
  • A few of my favorite things: People who write posts on how to make excel formulas & cutting down 5 hour projects to 5 mintues. <3
  • don’t know what a vlookup is, but formulas i’ve used work ok. i’m sure a serious excel nerd might have a different opinion.
  • Is there a sexier officer program than #excel? What can’t it do?
  • Trying to replace an old paper-and-Excel system with a formal database. Tough when so much of the reporting relies on "freestyle" data.
  • Chips, chocolate and Coke-soulfood of the Excel spreadsheet worker.
  • I wish people here would swear. Or hit each other. Or something. Good grief work’s boring today. Ah well, back to editing excel.
  • I successfully taught a 70 year old woman about absolute vs. relative references in Excel. I’m awesome at my job.
  • Just made an excel spreadsheet to show my boss when I ask for a raise. I really hope this goes well!
  • ooo i’ve worked out how to do a pie chart on excel. I know feel like no matter what the results, the dissertation will look professional!
  • Wish I knew an Excel ninja. By which I mean someone who could quickly and silently destroy it.


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