Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100602

Some funny Excel tweets, a sad tweet about the end of the Microsoft newsgroups, and a June 1st holiday that was news to me! The tweet that mentions Excel in context with tweets gets bonus points.

  • I just found a formula in an Excel spreadsheet that would take me three full tweets to post.
  • Also fellas every once in awhile sit yo woman to explain how fine she is to you. use powerpoint,excel charts whatever just tell her
  • Here’s a fun thing to do. Create a password for an Excel document, then later forget the password and not be able to use it. Argh!
  • The last day http://msgroups.net/microsoft.public.excel.newusers/The-last-day
  • after spending 3 hours at home knocking up graphs for my research paper on Excel 2007, the earlier version at work seem strangely archaic :S
  • If only people thought BEFORE they used #Excel in anger, my life would be so simple… #frustration
  • I’m prepping for an upcoming job interview. My current thrilling activity is learning how to do pivot tables in Excel. #NotAHappyCamper
  • When people tell me I’m too anal, I just give them a wry smile, and add their name to my spreadsheet.
  • attempting to create an Excel spreadsheet of all my music… which is reminding me how much I hate categories and boxes. frustrating…
  • Sometimes when I feel extra lazy I just open an excel spreadsheet. That always makes you seem like you’re working hard.
  • Something to tell your friends at the monthly spreadsheet lovers lunch meeting: i was forced to use Excel. Their plan is working.
  • Just applied for the PIVOT table training. GOOD LUCK TO ME! i hope i get it.. heeee!
  • Had a dream about excel spreadsheets last night…also birds pecking my eyes. I don’t know which was worse.
  • I wish you could make Excel’s Outlining commands work on a protected sheet. Still a no-go in Excel 2010. πŸ™
  • Trying so, so hard to love Numbers as much as Excel…
  • It’s 4:15AM and the city is asleep. Rain falls outside the window. It’s just me, songbirds and a spreadsheet…
  • Working from home in honor of June 1st. Actually, just looking for an excuse to drink beer all day and BBQ, while working on Excel.


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