Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100610

Three tweets about losing Excel work because the wrong button was clicked, and all from different tweeters. Remember — read the message first, and THEN click the button. You’re welcome!

  • when my boss starts talking accounting lingo all i hear is "blah blah blah money…blah blah blah excel" and she hears "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  • Wishes you could use SQL in a normal excel workbook to filter and tweak normal excel data (not a data connection)
  • I’ve a laptop and an excel spreadsheet. That should about do it….
  • My Excel macros are doing hours of tedious work in seconds. BEHOLD, FOR I WIELD THE VISUAL BASIC, THE ROBOTS BEND TO MY EVERY WILL!
  • The solution to this particular Excel problem, it changed my life! You think I’m kidding don’t you?
  • I just started an Excel spreadsheet entitled "@Disneyland". Yes. I am Excel crazy.
  • Two hours of work on Excel gone due to a simple oversight of the Save button. I need a drink.
  • Just clicked the wrong button and lost several hours of work in Excel. I think it’s time to go home.
  • Have I said how much I hate apps that mark windows as dirty upon opening? Just lost some work in excel b/c I misread the warning dialog.
  • Backing up my spreadsheet to a billion places before going home. Enjoying the challenge – but I will die if I have to redo any of it.
  • Shoot. I color-coded an Excel spreadsheet but I forgot what the colors mean.
  • Due to my need to transfer flow charts on the wall to Excel, my desk area is temporarily sideways #productivity
  • Oh, stupid Excel. I give up…you win. Take whatever you want. šŸ™
  • nah, I would have to kill power point. Excel doesn’t make people as stupid as the pp.
  • How to look busy at work: open up some random business spreadsheet with lots of pretty colours and slam the desk every 10 minutes
  • No, wait! I think I know how to use Excel now!!
  • I can work all day and never open Word, but I’ll have 14 Excel spreadsheets open by the time I shutdown. #theironyofacommunicationsmajor
  • My idea of a good relaxing night? Strawberry ice cream and SYTYCD dvr. My husbands? Creating excel spreadsheets with pivot tables of recipes
  • the use of pivot tables – sign of an Excel guru or an easy out?


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